Saturday, December 17, 2011


I remember being a kid and driving around the hometown with my dad looking for Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve night. Dad would shout he'd just seen him over a neighbor's roof, and five kids would anxiously look out the windows hoping to catch a glimpse of the jolly old elf. Little did we know that Momma was at home helping Santa deliver our presents while we chased the elusive guy all over town.

It's that feeling I have now. We've decked the halls, wrapped the presents, and started the baking in anticipation of sharing a holiday with all three grandchildren on Christmas Eve day. My older son and wife will come over and my younger son's wife is traveling from North Carolina. At lease I am hoping they began the journey today. My grandson has been sick, and I prayed for a speedy recovery for him. I also prayed that the designated driver remains healthy. My younger son is in Afghanistan, but hopefully we can connect with him through Skype.

When kids don't live in the same town or state, getting together for the holidays on the same day is a special blessing. I am really looking forward to getting a MIMI and POPS and grands picture. Kind of selfish of me, but these moments don't happen too often. We have been together for Easter and that has been nice. Christmas will be the icing on the cake of life.....

For now, I will keep busy making cookies and singing Christmas songs and waiting for our special day.....

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